tail lights and bulbs assembly


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altezza to oem tails help!

i just bought the red/clear tail lights from ebay to replace my altezzas...one question though...i noticed one night from another civic that the inside (trunk) red part of the tails light up too..besides the outside red, the turn signals, and the reverse lights...now did i miss something because i can't remember if i took off any lightbulb assembly when i installed the altezzas a while back. coz right now i only have the light bulbs for the parking/brake lights, the turn signals, and the reverse...so i'm missing one. the oem tail lights aren't here yet so i can't really look at it up close.

so is there anybody here that used to have altezzas and put oem back on? i just can't remember if i threw away some light bulbs or not. thanks!
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JDM Biatch
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huh? i'm confused...when i bought my si it came with alltezzas. and i sawpped them for som si oem ones and i didn't need to replace any of the bulbs at all... does that answer your question


Registered VIP
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10+ Year Member
i just got the oem tails today...and installed it on my car. and sad to say but, i am missing the light bulbs for the inner brake/park lights above the reverse lights...this sucks!!! where am i gonna find the wire plugs/bulbs again? i'll probably try the junkyard tomorrow...but i dunno, where i'm at i dunno if i'll find any. this sucks really bad! grrrrrr!!!! :angryfire
