Had some errands to run since it was like mid 60's, HIGHLY strange weather for February + Nebraska... so a friend and I went out. He got a digital camera for XMas and hasn't used much, so he wanted to do rolling shots.
Went and ate, checked out 2 local camera shops (I'm about to buy a Rebel, 10d or 20D Canon) and then went to Arcade to OWN n00bS in Initial D, Ver.3
yay time for exiting the suburbs.
if you ever raced me, this is what you'd be looking at in all 3 mirrors.
POLITZZIAAAAA encounter numero 1
pit stop and fuel up at Don and Millie's
POLITZZIAAAAAAAA encounter numero 2
yep. i dunno. stupid shot that made my rims look cool.
front tucks, rear doesnt.
the best part of waking up is foldger's in your cup
out car's parked P.I.M.P. style, backed into the forwards spots (OH HOW REBELIOUS) while we're inside the arcade owning people in Initial D ver.3. WERDDDd.
Went and ate, checked out 2 local camera shops (I'm about to buy a Rebel, 10d or 20D Canon) and then went to Arcade to OWN n00bS in Initial D, Ver.3
yay time for exiting the suburbs.
if you ever raced me, this is what you'd be looking at in all 3 mirrors.
POLITZZIAAAAA encounter numero 1
pit stop and fuel up at Don and Millie's
POLITZZIAAAAAAAA encounter numero 2
yep. i dunno. stupid shot that made my rims look cool.
front tucks, rear doesnt.
the best part of waking up is foldger's in your cup
out car's parked P.I.M.P. style, backed into the forwards spots (OH HOW REBELIOUS) while we're inside the arcade owning people in Initial D ver.3. WERDDDd.