The great debate


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The debate of making a custom kit vs. buying a prefab'd kit such as greddy, Apex'i, etc. has been going on for a while and it's time for a showdown.

I personally prefer the custom kit because the amount of knowledge about turbos you gain from having to piece everything together. This route can also be a hell of a lot cheaper than just going out and buying a greddy kit.

Let's hear some opinions.


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I say pre-fab for you first kit or if your just getting into the FI scene. Custom if you know what your doing and know exactly what kind of HP and TQ goals your looking for. There is no doubt though that you can save money and learn a lot more by making your own kit.


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Originally posted by iamgod
i like prefabbed kits
why do you prefer these compared to making your own kit


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Id say Pre Fab, i like the Carb Legal Status and they pretty much did all the tuning for you so its all ready to go. Ill pay the extra money for a simpler install and legalities.

Sound Streamin'

Boost or Die
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Custom. Saves you s**t loads of cash, and you don't waste money on some of the uneccesary parts that come with a kit.

Carb legal? You could easily pass any emissions test with a custom set up as long as you haven't tuned everything like an idiot.


Originally posted by Sound Streamin'
Carb legal? You could easily pass any emissions test with a custom set up as long as you haven't tuned everything like an idiot.

no you are f**king stupid, CARB legal refers to the CALIFORNIA AIR RESOURCES BOARD and the california legality, if your turbo kit does not have a CARB number on it then you will FAIL visual RIGHT away, so i hope you get f**ked in the ass repeatedly by the BAR and the EPA and the CARB


Originally posted by dirtyd16
why do you prefer these compared to making your own kit

because, prefabbed kits include everything you need and it is all designed to work together, the company puts a shitload of R&D into parts that work well together, making your own means you will have parts that do not work well together because each company has not taken the time to find out what components work well with their s**t and what ones dont


1 of a kind
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I have a pre-fab kit, I bought it cause I wanted to rid the headache of searching around for all the bull s**t to put a kit together. Most of the time when a person does this it still requires them to contact one of the pre-fab makers to see wtf they all need. I own an F-Max kit, cost $2500.00

I have friends who pieced there own kits together and did it with quality parts for under $1000.00.
Check out

Consider this build your kit for $1000.00 then drop the remaining $1500.00 into the bottom end build up and a little extra for a head job----got a smokin ride.
