Well today Ive fianally started on my car to start painting it. My dad is a car painter at a shop and weve decided to re do mine. The guy that delivers paint to my dad said that his company is allowed to give out so many free materials to promote the company, so he decided to give me most off my paint and materials for free!! Since we have all the materials and my dad is the one painting it, Im saving a bunch of money! I was pretty busy today so heres what Ive accomplished: I started out by removing the silver pinstripe, then stared to strip everything off of the car that is to be painted seperate. I removed the front and rear bumpers, head and tail lights, all moldings, sideskirts, door handles, door panels, and some of the interior to access the rear quarter moldings. Also I have started to block the hood but still not finished yet. It has been a hail storm and the dents on the hood really show. Along way to go, so wish me luck!!