the rebuild


hey all, kinda dont know where to post this, but seeing as im building for boost ill put it here. Just ordered my Eagle H-beam rods, Wiesco pistons 9.5:1, and ACL race bearings. I"ll load up some photos of the build and keep yall up dated. I have thus far reconditioned the cylindes(flex honed with 240 gritt hone. Conditioned head and had my injectors cleaned. cleaned and conditioned all cam keepers. If any one has any sugestions as to anything further to do let me know. Once again i will post some pics later today. thanks to all who have helped with info and tips.=)

TiiM iiS l3eAsT

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what size injectors are you using ??

what kind of tune are you gonna be using ??

more details on the turbo setup ??


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What turbo, what injectors, any valvetrain upgrades? PICS!


i will get some pics up asap. as for injectors ima use RC 550cc and a crower valve spring kit with titainium retainers. im gonna go for a treadstone turbonetics t-kit with a t3-t4 i think. they have a pretty good rep for quality. as for a tune im gonna go with hondata s300. all this is down the line a little due to my work going bankrupt. im just tryin to get her up and running again!


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stock sleeved with a t3/t4. plan on pushing any numbers? I'm running stock sleeves with a welded block guard. also happen to be running wiseco pistons (8.7:1) and eagle h-beams and a turbonetics turbo. What block are you building and what car is it going in?

TiiM iiS l3eAsT

Scamming Piece Of s**t
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nice....try to make 400whp on pump gas =)

get some 750cc injectors tho
