Thermostat Brand/Make Recommend


New Member
Hello Everybody,

I'm Loking for what is the temperature and Make/ Brand for substitute my Thermostat like the original thermostat or what do you recommend me to use...

I Talk with my delaer Honda And they tolds me that they don't have on existence, and I'm looking in a web site to buy, I have asked to Autozone and They told me that they have a thermostat with original temperature, 78 C They Barnd Is autolite...

Is somebody have a recommendations for make this change?

Another question, If i Change the thermostat , Do i need To Change the Fan Sensor that have next to the Termostat Too? Or Is it Not Neccesary,

Thanks In ADvance for Answer my doubts,



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Autozone should have the temperature. they are always right, most of the time. If you want the best of the best get a honda one. Or get the cheap ones from autozone, only 8 bux and they work fine. I actually paid 20 for mine from autozone, its the best of the best what they have, it has a safety thing with it, where it opens up when the car is overheating. its all about preference. some people is all honda, other people are cant afford the good stuff and get cheaper stuff. I think Autozone is reliable and afordable.
you do not need to change sensors.
