thinking about going turbo


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well my brother has an extra t25 turbo laying around after upgrading his 97 silvia to a spec-r turbo. and i was thinking if it was a good idea to throw it in my 00 civic dx. im not looking to go all out but just for teh hell of it without blowing my motor. im not a person who really likes to beat on my car either. i just want to boost and the turbo sounds. anywho. i think i've heard taht they sell t25 turbo pipings for civics not really sure. but yea if so what are the basic needs for a decent setup. keep in mind i want it affordable and reliable (knowing that its hard to go that way). sorry for the inconvience.


Taking an H-T break
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Ahhh young grasshoppa.. the search button eludes you! A T25 should be perfect for a DX but 8 lbs of boost on a smaller turbo is alot different than 8 lbs on a large turbo..

TiiM iiS l3eAsT

Scamming Piece Of s**t
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lol small

but good for a stock motor....quick spool and good torque =)

probably max out at around 225-250hp....
