Tight A$$ Soccer Vid


save water...drink beer
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That was pretty sweet! I could only do about 1/2 that s**t! almost 20 years of soccer experience, and I thought I had good ball control.

Couldn't tell, but he looked latino/south american...their known more for their ball control...ie Brazilians, remember that Nike commercial of the national team in the aiport. I've played against teams from Mexico, Brazil, and Peru...they were hella good ballers, but were a bunch of winning pussies! =)


CC'S Longest Running Noob
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I liked it!


the english teacher
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i come from a family of decent soccer players. my dad has played since he was 8 or so in okinawa. my brother played with the nor cal state team for olympic development and was invited to the regional pool, which the us national team takes players from. i played with just the district and nor cal state teams. my bro had a few scholarship offers to d1 schools but he chose to go become an electrician. i had two partial scholarship offers to d1 schools but about 6 partials to d2 and d3 schools too, but i chose to stay home and try to make my d1 college squad. which i didn't make. lol. needless to say, that was the end of my soccer career.

i've played against some of the top players in the united states and have only been utterly amazed at maybe 8 players. i used to play against guys like jon apilado and nate boyden(both are/were starters for ncaa runner up ucsb) and i could definitely hold my own. it's cool seeing people that i used to play with on national televison...that's for sure.

as for this vid...i've seen much more spectacular things done by some of the guys i've played with/against. :D if you want to see more bad ass stuff check out nikefootball.com. they always have ridiculous soccer vids. sometimes you can pick up some crazy moves to try out there.


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nice...i think they have just made me feel sucky!!!!
