Tranny or maby Exaust! HELP ME!


5+ Year Member
10+ Year Member
Hey guys When I am on the back roads in loomis somthing sounds like it is hitting the ground and scraping (only when I hit a pot hole) any who, somtimes I think I see sparks. Is there something hitting the road.
Please reply, I am going to San Fran this saturday to see some guy friends. I dont think that this is a thing that should be avoid for very long.


5+ Year Member
10+ Year Member
Is this a rediculous comment no one is replying!
I Need Help GUYS!


CCCC #27
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It's definetly not your tranny cause the trann is right between your front wheels, It could be you exhaust or maybe the suspension is just making a weird noise.


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if you're car is like hella low and you're going over pretty rough bumps than it's gotta be your exhaust. but if it's not then you should go get your car checked up.


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10+ Year Member
look under ur car and see if some thing is scaping. if not on exhaust look in ur wheel wells 4 rub marks
