Transmission Shifting Issue


New Member
I'm having the same problem (as stated here: but I haven't had a transmission flush, I just bought the car used with 196k miles on it, 99 civic ex 4 speed automatic. On the up shift it jumps up about 500rpms (mainly between Gears 2&3) then it shifts. Also the tranny is whining. I'm glad someone else asked this question. I am totally new to civics... And the forum... Hi��. If a tranny rebuild is the best option are there any performance parts I could put in while I'm at it or even a rebuild kit that includes performance parts???
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I had a Civic once.
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:welcome: to ClubCivic!

We ask that you create your own threads for your own issues rather than tagging on to someone elses. I've gone ahead and separated this one for you, so you should be good to go! Good luck with your Civic!


So after reading carefully through the thread at the link, which recommended action did you decide to take?
