Trying to Find a Decal

Strange World

B18C1 EG
I'm trying to find a decal that says "Darling Inside" on it and has a picture of a couple on it. The only website I can find it on is this polish site "Sick-Stickers", which looks like a legit site but won't let me use the U.S as my country. It's available as an option, but there's no way to specify a state, which they require.

So basically, I'm really hoping someone here can help me find this sticker on any other website. Google, Ebay, and Amazon have turned up nothing:

Any help is REALLY appreciated. I normally don't put any stickers on my car, but I really like this one but can't find it anywhere...


New Member
how can we mail them the process i just want to know the way.


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You could probably go somewhere locally like a Fast Signs.
