turbo carbie


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I have a 92 EG EL (1.3L SOHC CARBIE) ausie spec HB. is it possible to turbo charge it? and if so wat turbo would be good?


Bangin' HB

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the problem is carb works on vacuum. turbo puts positive pressure into the intake. and with turbo, you need to pay careful attention to fuel management, and carbs lack the manageing abilities of fuel injection. from my experience with carbs and forced induction, the car had an aftermarket custom carb built to handle the varience in pressure. i would suggest just investing into a swap, because i dont think you would get much out of the 1.3 anyways


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yea i just dont want to spend too much money on my car cuz its a daily driven car, i do about 100kms each day.

but if a carbie engine is impossible to do then i'll give it a pass until i get my teg front cut.

