turbo for everday driving!


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ive been doin a lot of readin up on turbo systems and such, seieng as im planning dropping one into my car
my only concern is how the car will drive for normal everyday driving
i mean i dont plan on JUST racing, so i really dont want to be running on boost ALL THE TIME...
i dont think that would be particularly good for the engine either
so i need to know how to run low boost levels when i dont really need to "race"..

$lick Rick

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boost controller


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a turbo is NOT boosting all the time. a turbo gets its energy mostly from the heat of combustion. at light throttle and normal everyday driving, there isnt enough heat generated to spool the turbo up. you can cruise on the highway in 3rd at 5000+ rpm and if you are only at light throttle you'll be running in vaccume. this is one of the wonders of turbo, you will only get boost when you ask for it- giving it lots of throttle. a supercharger however does deliver boost regardless of throttle input.


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yea thats what i was thinking
so as long as i keep my speed low, and my rpms under my boost level the turbo shouldnt have enough power to spool up?


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you can drive as fast as you want, if you are at part throttle in any gear at any speed, there isnt enough heat to spool the turbo. the turbo will only spool with heavy throttle.
