turbo help


zdnfhsz fhz
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When I did my install, there were 3 things that came off the stock intake, that i dont know where they go.
2 hoses(one i think is the crank case breather, but dont know what the other is, maybe a vaccum hose)
1 sensor(looks like its just a peice of plastic, I guess it tells how much air the intake is pulling in or something)

Where do I put them? There is a flange on the new intake for a hose, but thats it. All the pics Ive seen dont have anything on that flange.

What do I do with these? Do I connect on to the intake and one to the BOV? what do i do with the sensor?

19t kit


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There should be a bung for the hose that runs to teh valve cover to go on.

There should be an additional hole cut into teh intake to put the (AIT) Air Intake Sensor.

The other hose prolly runs from your BOV to a controller or intake manifold. Depending on how your 19t kit is set up.

Otherwise call the manufacturer who made your kit. Im sure they have Tech's that can answer your questions better.
