Turbo kit i found need some input.


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hey guys dont know if its the right place for this so please move if its not in the right section. Well i came across an add on craigslist for a d series turbo now from what this guys says everything is there and for a good price 2 so basically I just need to know if everything is in fact there. Here is his add.

im sellin a complete turbo kit for a d series it has a airsearch turbo, drag manifold , turbonteic wastegae 2inch downpipe, BRAND new intercooler piping still in the box , it also has the intercooler its pretty big. 2 blow of vavles one is used one is BRAND new. it has all the clamps and everything brand new. it has the return line and feed line with the oil pressure switch , it also has a brand new fuel pressure regultor for boost , im asking 500 b/o need it gone call or text me at ***-632-**** . i will also trade for eg parts . but really need cash. looking for a carbonfiber hood, eg guage cluster with rpms, glove box, exhaust , let me no what u got no email please

got traction

i rock the sohc
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depends on if there is shaft play in the turbo
