Turbo Manifold


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I picked up an HF manifold from a member on here and I was wondering what you guys would think of modifying it for an external wastegate. I was thinking of having an elbow with a wastegate flange at the end welded onto the HF manifold where the O2 sensor bung is. It'd basically be the best position. I'm going to have the runners ported as well for more flow. Would it be worth it? It'll let me keep A/C and P/S and that's really what I'm looking to do. I saw a variation of this on HT.com where a guy had a wastegate flange welded directly onto the manifold in the same spot and he said it has been working great.


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just get a better manifold. You can't shine s**t. HF manifolds are for cheap people, what you want to do makes it seem like you have the cash to do it right.


Sick 6/6
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isnt the hf manifold cast iron? if so, its hard to weld cast iron.


Rubbin on yo booty
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you can get a custom one built for about as much you bought that mani for...


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Bought the manifold for 30 shipped.
I was just seeing if it'd be cheaper to do this as opposed to have one made for $200.
I guess I'll just run the internal wastegate and maybe still get the HF ported. Shouldn't be much, maybe $50.

TiiM iiS l3eAsT

Scamming Piece Of s**t
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yea ive seen it done....you can run an external wastegate off of it.....it might be cheap but it will work....


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You can weld to cast, the key is to keep things hot. Heat the piece before hand, weld and let them cool down slowly. I have done/seen it done many times.


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just to let you know, your hf manifold is NOT a/c compatable.


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Um, a bunch of people using the HF manifold still have A/C. So yeah.


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post pics, because i and many others had one and it would not clear a/c (with a tiny t25) without extensive modification....i dont care either way your the one stuck with the burden
