turbo rebuild


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5+ Year Member
i have a td04h, and it doesnt seem to hold compression anymore, i'm not quite sure what to do, or where to buy a kit to get it rebuilt.

unless you guys would suggest me to get another turbo. cuz i wouldn't mind gettin another one that is a lil bigger, but still clears the a/c and will still fit my greddy manifold.

any suggestions would be appreciated


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5+ Year Member
i can rebuid them but it will have garrett internals we are a garrett disributer check out www.rdfabs.com


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Registered VIP
5+ Year Member
i think it would be better if you just got a whole new turbo because i think you will end up spending just as much money rebuilding it.


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5+ Year Member
you should take the housing off it. it could be the o-ring between the housing and the cartridge. I don't know a whole lot about how they seal up otherwise, but i've rebuilt a few and that o-ring can go bad, it will be all the way around the edge of your cartridge, mine was about 2 1/2 inches. you will probably need some of them spring clip plier dealios.
