turbo set up???


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does anyone know where i can get full step by step turbo install instructions. i know how to do most of it but i want it done right and i want to try adn find instustions. thanks=)


Go Ahead Shoot Me b***h!
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dayumm tat is te ultimate how to . lol


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there are also 2 little red and yellow springs that came with the kit. what are they for?


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how do you put them into the wastegate. im going to be running low boost so what one should i use the bigger or smaller one


Stickin it to the Man
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you have to find out what bar each spring is... its color coated. is it a tial wastegate or a knockoff

D Grade

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how do you put them into the wastegate. im going to be running low boost so what one should i use the bigger or smaller one
Go on the website you bought the WG from or go tot he Tial website. They should have the color code for the psi rate of the spring. I believe you need to either use the single large, or you will need to use both (depending what psi you plan on running). If you're running low boost, I'd use the single large. But still check to see what psi the spring is rated for since I forgot the color ratings.

You will want to run right around or just under the psi rating you plan on running. Too little, and the WG valve will open too soon and/or leak causing slow spool up (not to mention an annoying sound if you're running the WG vented to the atmosphere). To stiff, and the WG will have problems opening causing boost creep or boost spike, or worse, not open at all and cause dentonation if you aren't paying attention to your boost gauge.

As for installing them, there should be a series of allen screws holding the "tophat" of the WG on. Simply remove those and you will gain access to the springs.


Stickin it to the Man
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here are the spring pressures and colors for TiAL wastegates only. im not sure if other wastegates follow the same color coding

35mm TiAL / spring discription
.3 bar / 4.35psi / small yellow
.45 bar / 6.53psi /small red
.65 bar / 9.43psi / small green
.8 bar / 11.6psi /small blue

35mm TiAL HP (35mm bottom + 40mm top)
.95 bar / 13.78 / big yellow
1.1bar / 15.95psi / big red
1.35bar / 19.58psi / big green
1.5bar /21.75psi / big blue

40mm TiAL
.25 bar / 3.63psi / small yellow
.4 bar / 5.80psi / small red
.5 bar / 7.25psi / small green
.6 bar / 8.70psi / small blue
.7 bar / 10.15psi / big yellow
.8 bar / 11.60psi / big red
.9 bar / 13.05psi / big green
1.0 bar /14.50psi / big blue

40mm TiAL HP (combine big and small springs to get desired output)
