turbo should i d16


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I have157k miles on my mototr prety well maintained
Think it would hurt to turbo it and wha turbo should I go with to keep my a/c?


New Member
Depends how much you want to spend, there's 650$ full kits , don't know if you'll still have ac though, you can run those at around 7-8 psi to be safe since you don't have any internal mods . Personally I say you save up around 2 grand and buy the internals and kit together so you'll be safe to boost it a bit higher and get more horsepower.


D-Series Soldier
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Why dont you rebuild the motor and the go turbo, that way you dont have a limit on psi...


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if compression is good go for it. ebay has cast manifolds that allow you to use a/c.


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I'm in the same boat. About 157k on my motor and it runs good but is my dd.

What do you all think is a safe boost pressure to run on a stock motor? 6-8lbs?

Sorry for the thread jack btw.


Master Ricer
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5+ Year Member

PSI means nothing until you establish the SIZE of the turbo. What size turbo are you going for? To figure this out you need to know what kinda HP you want and how much u wanna spend.

When it comes to internals, BC rods or Eagle

Pistons CP. There are others, but that is all I would look into..


Master Ricer
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5+ Year Member
Depends how much you want to spend, there's 650$ full kits , don't know if you'll still have ac though, you can run those at around 7-8 psi to be safe since you don't have any internal mods . Personally I say you save up around 2 grand and buy the internals and kit together so you'll be safe to boost it a bit higher and get more horsepower.

$2000 sounds VERY cheap to me...I am rebuilding my bottom end now for $3k and if I remember correctly I spent about $2,000 on my turbo kit. Plus another cupl hunskies on a tune....I suggest doin a s**t ton of research via google, CC, etc. Oh, and save a BUNCHA money to get it done right. Your motor is not a place to go cheapie...


New Member
im just saying like an ebay kit and a couple internals that'l help . overtime when he gets the money he'l upgrade to the better brands and more internals .

Is that your civic in your sig ?


New Member
im just saying like an ebay kit and a couple internals that'l help . overtime when he gets the money he'l upgrade to the better brands and more internals .

Is that your civic in your sig ?


Master Ricer
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5+ Year Member
He would need bigger injectors but these usually come with the kit. Mine came with 310's and I didn't have to upgrade my fuel pump for that. Now I do have to tho lol. Lookin into injectors around the 650-750 range and def need that 255. He may only need to go to a 215(i do believe is the size, and if I'm not mistaken the 255 requires extra work, ie. return fuel line??) pump if he isn't lookin too serious.

Yep, thats my EM1...Yes I know it's rice, :drive: and thats why I love it lol

Lotsa work put into it and now I'm in a rebuilding stage...lookin to jump that whp wayy up...


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What would be a good compresion for my motor if I wanted to get a little ebay turbo


Master Ricer
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ehhhhhh.....I wuldn't waste my money to be honest....but I also don't exactly understand the question..

are you asking what compression pistons to get???


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No, in general? some one told me not good to have low compresion and try and turbo it


Frame Bangin
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low compression pistons are good. are you talking about a compression test???
Low compression tends to be for forced induction, high compression is N/A. but this isnt always true


Master Ricer
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5+ Year Member
Yeah I wasn't understanding the question...rebuild with good pistons... 9.0:1 compression ratio would be good...ofcourse gotsta get you some rods
