turbo y7


New Member
Ok so i have read many times that its not psi that will blow the motor but how much whp. I understand that d series max out at around 225whp or so..........my question is this since my y7 obviously isnt a vtec can you just keep turning up the boost till i reach 200whp which is my goal......on a good tune of course. I know turbo size and everything plays a factor but i was just wondering?


Fujiwara's Tofu Shop
Registered VIP
5+ Year Member
On a y7 don't expect 200whp reliably w/o internal work


Registered VIP
Each engine is different, s**t one may blow up at 150whp another at 250whp, it isnt a magic number. Stay around 200whp and dont beat on it every day.


Registered VIP
5+ Year Member
Ok so i have read many times that its not psi that will blow the motor but how much whp. I understand that d series max out at around 225whp or so
If you mean even with built internals I'm going to smack you. And 225 whp on stock internals just sounds unsafe.


New Member
this is what i mean some ppl say nope u cant get 200whp on stock internals on a y7 and some ppl say ya u can its fine so which is it???


Registered VIP
Well you have to weed out the bad info with the good. Like I said your s*** could blow up tomorrow for all you know. 200whp is safe on a good engine and a good tune, but like anything else there is that risk of something happening. If you are so worried about it dont boost it, if its your only mode of transportation dont mess with it at all.
