Urgent question about AMP WIRING KITS.


Honduh's... LULZ
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5+ Year Member
10+ Year Member
What kind of amp are you getting?

The ad is slightly misleading, its listed as an 8ga kit but under contents it says 2ga.. chances are for that price its an 8ga kit, and depending on your amp, it would most likely be sufficent. Good to hear that it has a "Double Clamp Blister Packaging" lol Personally I wouldnt buy THAT one... plus you will have to wait for shipping...

I say keep looking for another kit, unless your running over 600w then its time to look for a 4ga kit. For a few bucks more, Crutchfield or any other retail will have something along the same lines: http://www.crutchfield.com/S-sVWiI3KvH4v/cgi-bin/ProdView.asp?wm=fp&I=142PA8&g=711


Registered VIP
5+ Year Member
Sup bro, i have all wiring MINUS RCA'S for an amp install, the power wire, ground wire, and remote wire. It will work but its not by any means BRAND new out of the box. The only portion that will need to be replaced is the fuse/fuse holder as its cracked/broke. Ill sell it to ya for dirt cheap. If youre interested, PM me!


The one i have is 4guage so it'll give you better flow for a higher power amp.
