

New Member
hey guys so i got a vtec harness and ecu for my 95 dx with d16z6 today and before install i noticed that the wires for the vtec solenoid off of the harness have no clip (plug) and they are just lose so i was wondering if anyone knew which wires connect to what. the wires hanging from the harness are

these two wires are attached to a clip that plungs into solenoid (i think) black wire is cut close to main harness

Green wire
Black wire (black wire is cut)

these wires are coming from harness with no clips attached to them and i dont not know were they go
Brown with black
black with red
black (i belive this is a ground)

The brown with black and black with red wire were twisted together when i got the harness but not sure if it goes that was and i thing i only have one green wire coming from the vtec solenoid please help really want to finish this and get it started!!!


New Member
black wire is a ground wire and the green wire is for vtec oil pressure. look up the codes for the connectors in the ecu then run a wire through your fire wall to the harness that plugs directly into the ecu. use the stock ecu pins. and just wire the black wire to a ground point. bam vtec will be crackin in no time


New Member
is it me or is the harness hard to reinstall it wasint so bad taking it out but trying to put the new one in seem to be a pain in the ass any tricks to make it a bit easier??


I like snow.
Registered VIP
Random question lol, do 5th gen vtecs kick in in such a way I can yell "vtec just kicked in YOOOO"


New Member
assuming the motor is in the car and your using a p28 ecu green wire goes from vtec sylinoid to pin a4 on ecu and i cant remember what color the wire is for the ecu for the pressure switch but it goes to pin d6 on the ecu the black wire your right is just a ground and with the engine in the car yes the harness is a pain to put in and as for vtec on the d16z6 its a sohc and most the time no your not really going to hear it or feel it.


New Member
yeah its in the car already and plus its cold out but at least my harness looks good i put new wire sleeves on it and new elec tape but its real stiff trying to run it behind the intake i thought about maybe running it near the firewall instead of under intake might make it easier to install that way
