well i went to aim my headlights yesterday, and you know how theres the little gear to spin to adjust the horizontal position and theres a certain point you're supposed to line it up with so its at the stock position? Well i dont see how this can be accurate, because would if you rotate the gear 5 times and then line up the spot, it would be off then right? Is it setup to not let this happen or is there no real way to return to the stock, aligned position? Also i went to look for the verical level and its missing, theres none there. So, is there a way i can park the car facing a wall at night and align it? My friend told me park the car 30 feet away from a wall and adjust the vertical position until the bright spot on the beam (these are halogens) is 2 feet off the ground. So basically at 30 feet away from a wall the lights should shine 2 feet off the ground. Is this an accurate way to do it? Suggestions?