I have a 98 cx hb and i wanna put a car alarm and was thinking and a viper alarm but I want remote open door but my car has manual locks and I wanted to know If it could be changed to power lock with out changing the locks
you can add power door lock actuators in the doors just like oem power locks. Just remember you get what you pay for. cheap actuators will be unreliable.
my actuators have been fine for 2years. if it gets around zero degrees tho they'll freeze sometimes so i'll just manually lock the car if i know the forecast.
Ya I think I'm going to go to the pick n pull 1st and see wat I can find then and if not I guess after market. Is it hard to take of the power lock off a car? I never have done anything with that part
no its not bad at all but i would hit the junkyards and rip one out just make sure the act. isnt frooze or seized i have gotten some that are all locked up
get an avital 2-way chirp back system. It's a really good alarm setup, i could set my alarm from 2 football field lengths away and my remote would chirp back to let me know that it engaged. just make sure you get your kill switches in there too