Visors and HVAC vents loose


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5+ Year Member
Both the visors and vent deflectors on my '04 EX are too loose and won't stay where I put them. Has anyone come up with a good fix for either?

For the vents, I thought about sticking some velco soft side down in the bottom of the vent hole, so the deflector touches it and keeps it from moving on it's own. Or else taking the deflector out and putting some silicone on the hinge. But how much of the dash do you have to remove to get them out? And do the deflectors themselves even come out?


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5+ Year Member
the vents just pull right out...a good pull...they are in their nice and tight


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5+ Year Member
How do the hinge pins come out by just pulling on them? Or is there a surrounding assembly that comes out with them?

Anyone have any idea on how to fix the visors? I know this happens to all of them, so surely someone has thought of something clever.


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5+ Year Member
my vents do the same thing but it doesn't bother me but they pull straight out grab it and pull. the visors have a metal clip inside them that grab the plastic arm. the visor opens up like a clam shell from the bottem stick a flat head in there and go around the edges were it clips together then pull it apert with your fingers you can remove the metal clip and bend it together but i warn you putting it back is a fukin pain because you have to insert the arm first then clip the metal graber back together which is under alot of pressure.
