Vitara Pistions + Stock Rods


Project B18-T
5+ Year Member
Whats a safe boost level to run on Vitara Pistions and Stock D16Y7 Rods? I've heard the pistions can take 20+ but what about OEM Rods? They would be new... I'm cheap, and only looking to boost around 15-17PSI...

but in anycase what would the stock rod threshold be? (PSI?)


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if you want cheap and 15psi i would go with b18 rods in your D. I know it sounds odd, but with a little work, they fit.


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the rods, not the pistons are the weak point in a d series motor, those should be first to be replaced. and fyi, psi is an absolutely meaningless number, i highly suggest educating yourself about turbo's before thinking about boost or building your motor.


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i usually whan someone says PSI know that they are talking about a DSM or probe turbo in a D. If not one of thoes its usually similar in size.


Project B18-T
5+ Year Member
io_303 said:
i usually whan someone says PSI know that they are talking about a DSM or probe turbo in a D. If not one of thoes its usually similar in size.
That will be what is going in to begin Like I said staying nice and cheap.... Now on the B Rods... If I make them fit in the block will I be able to put different rods in the future? or will the mods make it so I'd have to put B rods in again.


E Engineering
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I would never use stock rods with aftermarket pistons. If you are going to go through all the work of pulling the rods out, why put stock one backin? Rods can fail just as easily as pistons.


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handlebarsfsr said:
the rods, not the pistons are the weak point in a d series motor, those should be first to be replaced. and fyi, psi is an absolutely meaningless number, i highly suggest educating yourself about turbo's before thinking about boost or building your motor.

you coudl not have been more wrong. this is ONLYtrue on a US D15 motor. on a D16 the piston ring lands will break long before the rods will.
while tuning is the entuire key to any successfull engine it's also good hardware.

vitras will not work on stock rods because of 1 simple fact. stock rods are "pressed" on and the vitras are floating pin style. if your going ot use some other make pistons that are not designed for a honda (that is a very bad corner to cut) then at least get rods that will work and will also give you something better.
eagle, scat what ever but those rods will allow for more boosting.


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oscarmayer said:
you coudl not have been more wrong. this is ONLYtrue on a US D15 motor. on a D16 the piston ring lands will break long before the rods will.
while tuning is the entuire key to any successfull engine it's also good hardware.

ringlands die almost exclusively because of detonation or running excessively lean and having too high combustion tempatures, not too much combustion chamber pressure.


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I've seen the tune be 100% dead nutz on with a wide band and the ringlands break. happened to my egine with a greddy kit onthe dyno after tunign had jsut done and we were doing a hp run. So while part of what you say is true, some of it is missing parts. the ringlands onthe D are weaker than the B pistons, this being the most vonerable spots. I've seen only a coupelof guys break stock rdos due to turbos, but i have personally seen and ro worked on 30 that have had broken ringlands due to pressure breaking them. the stock pistons were jsut not ment to handle that kind of abuse.

anyway, we are getting off topic here. ( yea it's my fault)

use better than stock rods for your setup and get a real set of piston and you'll be much happier.


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i would hope if you have a turbo you would also have a catch can or a 2 way pcv system so pressure would not build up


Project B18-T
5+ Year Member
Okay thanks for the info guys...I've decided against the whole vitara thing after some research... I'm just gonna get some Crower rods and Aries Pistons... I guess... I didn't want to spend the cash, but as might as well do this s**t Thanks for the input and the off topic info was valuable as well ;)


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Can I suggest Endyn rollerwaves? they are much better quality (I've seen arias swell and damage cyclinder walls) Endyn is also the ONLY vender that properly preps their pistons prior ro shipping them to you. anyone who sells pistons ans calls them "drop in" when they have sharp edges and stuff is a bad manufacturer. Endyn takes the extra tiem toensure you won't get the hot spots, detonation, and better overall bowl flow witht heir pistons over the otehrs. not to mention Arias is a 1side/shape fits all sort of shop. Endyn takes the time to propery fit each piston type to the head quench type needed for the best perforamnce. I'm able to run 20psi on PUMP gas because of their pistons.

it's your $ but endyn pistons are like $489 a set with rings, so it;s not much difference.

erither way, good luck man!

Inigo Montoya

powered by boost
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I'm going A.M. Vitara pistons from FJT with shot-peened LS rods and the crower pin-adapters.

Total price with machining: $240.

I'll be able to run 300 to the wheels all day, every day.

Replacing all rod bearings with OEM honda bearings.
