Vortech V.S> JRSC


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ok a while back i decides that i am going to supercharge my civic. And since then i have been saving and i am about ready to buy on but now i have to think what one to get the vortech or the jrsc. Please give me yoiur input and benefits to each thanx


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hmm, ive heard nothing but good things about the jrsc...

side note, if youve got the money for it, why not turbo? i only say that because a turbo is more efficient, you will get much more horsepower out of the same amount of boost...just a thought...anyways, i hope it all works out...


Looking for a Civic Again
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i was thinking of going turbo but im all about doing something different and that you dont see all the time but anyways will the jrsc put out more power thatn the vortech


Looking for a Civic Again
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o by the way the car that im planing to put it on is a 00 civic si not the car in my sig


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i would personally turbo it but if not i would go vortech i really dont like JRSC cuz i have heard a few bad stories bout them


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well first of all, what kind of supercharger are you looking into (roots or centrifigual)?


Looking for a Civic Again
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yea i personally like vortech to but i just wanted to get other peoples veiws and also with a supercharger when you jump on the gas isnt there instant boost like no lag


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well from the dynos I've seen centrifiguals for the most part make more power but check out the why centrifiguals suck thread in forced induction

it will explain the both to you and explain why they both suck in their own little ways :D


well i think JR makes a crummy blower but if you want lowend grunt thats the one. I would kill for a nicely made Eaton.


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yea if you want to be different don't go for a JRSC or Vortech everyone and their dog has one


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vortech of course would be the best supercharger. my friends 99 si, ran 13.7 with just the vortech. jrsc are know to blow piston #3


ive never heard of jrsc known for causing a blown piston. ive had mine for almost a year now . noway have i blown a piston although i have encountered someproblems since . better planing before actualy installing woulda been nice . first if u gte the jrsc get the hondata IM gasket. also get some gauges acourse and maybe some kind of tuning would be in order . other then that when u fisrt put in the sc u will defenately feel the big differance


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Vortech is much better then JRSC. JRSC has alot of problems and doesnt really give you that much power. You should upgrade ignition as well as the other things that redsidriver named. But i would go Turbo over both but for you vortech.


anywho yeah between the 2 as far as numbers go the vortech would put out more . but it doenst mean its faster . in 2 different races the jrsc would probally win a short race and the vortech would probally win the long race . but either way ist up to u


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The vortech makes more peak horsepower, but it doesn't do so until near redline. The JRSC from what I've seen has a much flatter torque curve, and much more usable power. Neither of them is really unique, but then again not much is nowadays. If I was going to do something, it would be turbo. It is not belt driven like a blower, and therefore reduces the parasitic losses from the engine. Remember, the superchargers are driven from the crankshaft. Turbo will allow for further growth and power output as you decide to go faster and build your motor.
