VSS Problem?


New Member
5+ Year Member
95 Integra, B16
When i hit the gas the other day the car wasnt getting up to speed getting on the highway so i floored it and it only revved to 3k and was still not getting up to speed!!
Friend said it might be the VSS, i need some opinions!

Wax Hands

Smell my finger
Registered VIP
The car is running mechanically fine. Just he tachometer is not working properly?

if that is the case its a good chance the VSS is at fault. There is a plastic gear on the VSS and over time it can get worn down or even break. So pull the VSS and inspect the gear. To check VSS operation you will require an oscilloscope to observe the graph. A multimeter will not be able to do this as the signal from the VSS will be to rapid.

If all checks out on the VSS inspect the wiring. You can back probe the ECU to observe the sine wave again. If it fluctuates then there is a problem in the wiring, possibly a break.

Last thing would be to inspect the speedometer gear on the differential. You can do this without pulling the transaxle but its difficult to do. Jack up the car and use a really good light to look down the hole the VSS goes into. You either have someone spin the wheels manually or just let the car idle while jacked up. The wheels will more than likely turn on their own.
