vtech controller?


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I've been searching around for a vtech controller that would make your vtech kick in earlier. I've searched websites like msdignitions but i couldn't find anything. Is there such thing and if there is where can i get it?


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lol there DEF is such a thing my friend has one on his SI but he just took it out.... it caused him a lot of problems i will find a website and give it to you but in the mean time i'm sure they have one at www.modacar.com


Adamantium Member
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first of all, its a vteC controller...no H on the end, you dont drive around in a phone

and yes, they make them, check out the Apexi website...its called a VAFC


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sorry about the h on the end... i'm not stupid just tired... thanks for the help


Adamantium Member
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haha, its all good...i was only bustin you balls because nobody already did...its usually the first thing that gets posted when someone types in vtecH...oh well, i hope you find the one you want

and welcome to CC!


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vtec is only useful if your going to dyno your car.


professional a*****e
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i think what me means is that the controller is only useful if you are gonna take the time out and dyno tune.


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i wouldnt get on it caused my bro alot of problems and it didnt really do anything and its a b***h to put on


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if you got camshaft/gear. a vtec controller would good. but if you dont got etheir one, i think its just a waste money. modify the vtec x-over on stock cam will not do much. for a vtec controller to be fully effective if its properly tuned. you should get camshaft/gear before you get a vtec controller.

$lick Rick

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you will notice a little difference either way once you drop your vtec down lower. your car would be a little faster if your vtec was on ALL the time (bigger cam lobes = more air/gas = more power) but it wouldnt be very economical
if you do go this route, keep your kick in point close to stock unless you want SHITTY ass gas mileage.


Civic Type R
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I wouldn't suggest getting a vtec controller UNLESS you have aftermarket camshafts/cam gears. It really does nothing otherwise. You just might feel like it does make a difference at first but then you'll realise that it does NOTHING AT ALL.

$lick Rick

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EK9_Civic_TypeR said:
I wouldn't suggest getting a vtec controller UNLESS you have aftermarket camshafts/cam gears. It really does nothing otherwise. You just might feel like it does make a difference at first but then you'll realise that it does NOTHING AT ALL.
wrong, the vtec switches to bigger cam lobes which does increase power. honda puts the kick in point where they do so that you will still get decent gas mileage. stock vtec kick in point is not designed for greatest power output.

$lick Rick

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vtec switches cam lobes, for sohc it changes intake lobes and for dohc it changes both sets. your power increases when the larger set of intake lobes are activated, this is still restricted by the fact that your exhaust valves remain the same (sohc only). honda designed it so that you would still get hp gains at higher rpm's (where honda's usually lack) and reatain good mpg

and no, it would take some tuning to find out where you will benefit the most.
