wat turbo is this??


Clit Commander
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ive had this turbo for alil bit and getting some parts..but i have still yet 2 figure out wat turbo is any if anyone else has any clue please lmk ASAP



dont try, dont fail
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so im guessin it came off a nissan..lol..is it the turbo that came off the bluetop ?


Clit Commander
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Svr_Civic said:
so im guessin it came off a nissan..lol..is it the turbo that came off the bluetop ?
im not sure...thats y im askin...lol all i kno is one of the a/r is .48 but not sure which one i have a guess on which one it is


Stickin it to the Man
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lets see the exhaust housing side and the flange type


Clit Commander
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its not ct26 cause thats a toyota turbo this is an nissan turbo

\\ Forgiven //

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You do realize that there were a number of Nissans that came turbo from the factory, and that they all probably looked similar to those pictures you posted....I could go around all day posting turbos from factory nissan motors and I would bet that they all look just abuot the same, so how can you be sure that it is either a 300 or 280 turbo?


Clit Commander
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cause it has more than one pic and i have the turbo in my hand and each look the same...so pretty sure its it....unless u wanna look and see wat else it is

\\ Forgiven //

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If you think thats what it is thats cool, I was just saying since Chaos had only seen one pic, Its kind of hard to say that it was definately one of those two and rule out all the other turbo nissan motors...but if you compared them and decided they are the same then I believe you, after all you are the one that owns the turbo, not me.


Clit Commander
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\\ Forgiven // said:
If you think thats what it is thats cool, I was just saying since Chaos had only seen one pic, Its kind of hard to say that it was definately one of those two and rule out all the other turbo nissan motors...but if you compared them and decided they are the same then I believe you, after all you are the one that owns the turbo, not me.
true and i get wat ur sayin..thanks for help tho
