Weight difference coupe vs hatch


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Whats the weight difference between the coupe and hatch?


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depends...wat years are you looking for?


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sicklilsi13 said:
depends...wat years are you looking for?
6th Gen...b/c this is in the 6th Gen section.....

Theres only a few hundred pounds difference, if that. Check the Spec's Section of the site.

EDIT: Here you go. Weight with manual tranny/auto tranny. This is for the DX trim.

96-98 coupe:
99-00 coupe:
96-98 sedan:
96-98 hb:
99-00 hb:


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i think you have it mixed up, manual tranny is the lighter one.


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LongGrain said:
i think you have it mixed up, manual tranny is the lighter one.
Sorry, my bad. Fixed. =)


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jdmpassion said:
thought hatch would be a lot lighter.
nope, its very negligable. and people say they are a stiffer platform, but i dont know how much water that holds because in most cases in cars that offer both models the coupe is stiffer than the hatch because it doesnt have the huge empty space in back..i dont see why a civic would be any different. but idk. i think hatches look cooler.


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GTFO.. I didnt know 99 sedans were lighter than hatches and coupes.. I knew coupes were pretty weighty, but hatches? Sure the 99 hatch number is right? Meh doesnt matter..


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Sundown said:
GTFO.. I didnt know 99 sedans were lighter than hatches and coupes.. I knew coupes were pretty weighty, but hatches? Sure the 99 hatch number is right? Meh doesnt matter..
I think you are misreading... If you read the numbers correctly sedans are heavier, while hatchies still reign supreme.... ;)

Edit: Or maybe I'm misreading.... Since I was looking at Zenki numbers I was correct, but yeah, you are talking Kouki numbers..... Hmmm, odd, never noticed that.... Always just looked at the Zenki numbers....


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Okay, so I've never really trusted the numbers on here or anywhere else since they're always different everywhere. I just did some checking since yesterday though and found the most common specs for weight for our 6th gen cars. I checked them against the specs on Edmunds.com too (which only match to the standard transmission cars though, but all were correct that I checked).

Anyway, I just cleaned the lists up to include the weights in order by year. Then another list listed from the lightest to the heaviest. The last list is all of them listed in order of lightest to heaviest according to trim and body style (for those interested in a car, but wanting to know which CX is lightest, etc).

So this is the most reliable list as far as I can tell from a quick search and comparision.

I'm also pretty sure these are dry weights since my manual transmission '97 EX coupe totalled (with no personal belongings in it) came out to weighting about 2700 lbs.

96 Civic CX hatch (MT)	2222
96 Civic CX hatch (AT)	2298
96 Civic DX hatch (MT)	2242
96 Civic DX hatch (AT)	2317
96 Civic DX coupe (MT)	2262
96 Civic DX coupe (AT)	2339
96 Civic EX coupe (MT)	2483
96 Civic EX coupe (AT)	2513
96 Civic HX coupe (MT)	2313
96 Civic DX sedan (MT)	2370
96 Civic DX sedan (AT)	2319
96 Civic LX sedan (MT)	2430
96 Civic LX sedan (AT)	2387
96 Civic EX sedan (MT)	2568
96 Civic EX sedan (AT)	2518
97 Civic CX hatch (MT)	2304
97 Civic CX hatch (AT)	2238
97 Civic DX hatch (MT)	2319
97 Civic DX hatch (AT)	2253
97 Civic DX coupe (MT)	2337
97 Civic DX coupe (AT)	2271
97 Civic EX coupe (MT)	2496
97 Civic EX coupe (AT)	2460
97 Civic HX coupe (MT)	2339
97 Civic HX coupe (AT)	2324
97 Civic DX sedan (MT)	2370
97 Civic DX sedan (AT)	2319
97 Civic LX sedan (MT)	2438
97 Civic LX sedan (AT)	2387
97 Civic EX sedan (MT)	2568
97 Civic EX sedan (AT)	2518
98 Civic CX hatch (MT)	2295
98 Civic CX hatch (AT)	2357
98 Civic DX hatch (MT)	2339
98 Civic DX hatch (AT)	2392
98 Civic DX coupe (MT)	2342
98 Civic DX coupe (AT)	2385
98 Civic EX coupe (MT)	2504
98 Civic EX coupe (AT)	2551
98 Civic HX coupe (MT)	2361
98 Civic HX coupe (AT)	2429
98 Civic DX sedan (MT)	2339
98 Civic DX sedan (AT)	2385
98 Civic LX sedan (MT)	2412
98 Civic LX sedan (AT)	2458
98 Civic EX sedan (MT)	2511
98 Civic EX sedan (AT)	2558
99 Civic CX hatch (MT)	2395
99 Civic CX hatch (AT)	2423
99 Civic DX hatch (MT)	2388
99 Civic DX hatch (AT)	2434
99 Civic DX coupe (MT)	2359
99 Civic DX coupe (AT)	2405
99 Civic EX coupe (MT)	2513
99 Civic EX coupe (AT)	2560
99 Civic HX coupe (MT)	2370
99 Civic HX coupe (AT)	2445
99 Civic Si coupe (MT)	2612
99 Civic DX sedan (MT)	2339
99 Civic DX sedan (AT)	2388
99 Civic LX sedan (MT)	2410
99 Civic LX sedan (AT)	2456
99 Civic EX sedan (MT)	2513
99 Civic EX sedan (AT)	2562
00 Civic CX hatch (MT)	2395
00 Civic CX hatch (AT)	2423
00 Civic DX hatch (MT)	2388
00 Civic DX hatch (AT)	2423
00 Civic DX coupe (MT)	2359
00 Civic DX coupe (AT)	2405
00 Civic EX coupe (MT)	2513
00 Civic EX coupe (AT)	2560
00 Civic HX coupe (MT)	2370
00 Civic HX coupe (AT)	2445
00 Civic Si coupe (MT)	2612
00 Civic DX sedan (MT)	2339
00 Civic DX sedan (AT)	2388
00 Civic LX sedan (MT)	2410
00 Civic LX sedan (AT)	2456
00 Civic EX sedan (MT)	2513
00 Civic EX sedan (AT)	2562
Lightest to Heaviest
96 Civic CX hatch (MT)	2222
97 Civic CX hatch (AT)	2238
96 Civic DX hatch (MT)	2242
97 Civic DX hatch (AT)	2253
96 Civic DX coupe (MT)	2262
97 Civic DX coupe (AT)	2271
98 Civic CX hatch (MT)	2295
96 Civic CX hatch (AT)	2298
97 Civic CX hatch (MT)	2304
96 Civic HX coupe (MT)	2313
96 Civic DX hatch (AT)	2317
96 Civic DX sedan (AT)	2319
97 Civic DX hatch (MT)	2319
97 Civic DX sedan (AT)	2319
97 Civic HX coupe (AT)	2324
97 Civic DX coupe (MT)	2337
96 Civic DX coupe (AT)	2339
97 Civic HX coupe (MT)	2339
98 Civic DX hatch (MT)	2339
98 Civic DX sedan (MT)	2339
99 Civic DX sedan (MT)	2339
00 Civic DX sedan (MT)	2339
98 Civic DX coupe (MT)	2342
98 Civic CX hatch (AT)	2357
99 Civic DX coupe (MT)	2359
00 Civic DX coupe (MT)	2359
98 Civic HX coupe (MT)	2361
96 Civic DX sedan (MT)	2370
97 Civic DX sedan (MT)	2370
99 Civic HX coupe (MT)	2370
00 Civic HX coupe (MT)	2370
98 Civic DX coupe (AT)	2385
98 Civic DX sedan (AT)	2385
96 Civic LX sedan (AT)	2387
97 Civic LX sedan (AT)	2387
99 Civic DX hatch (MT)	2388
99 Civic DX sedan (AT)	2388
00 Civic DX hatch (MT)	2388
00 Civic DX sedan (AT)	2388
98 Civic DX hatch (AT)	2392
99 Civic CX hatch (MT)	2395
00 Civic CX hatch (MT)	2395
99 Civic DX coupe (AT)	2405
00 Civic DX coupe (AT)	2405
99 Civic LX sedan (MT)	2410
00 Civic LX sedan (MT)	2410
98 Civic LX sedan (MT)	2412
99 Civic CX hatch (AT)	2423
00 Civic CX hatch (AT)	2423
00 Civic DX hatch (AT)	2423
98 Civic HX coupe (AT)	2429
96 Civic LX sedan (MT)	2430
99 Civic DX hatch (AT)	2434
97 Civic LX sedan (MT)	2438
99 Civic HX coupe (AT)	2445
00 Civic HX coupe (AT)	2445
99 Civic LX sedan (AT)	2456
00 Civic LX sedan (AT)	2456
98 Civic LX sedan (AT)	2458
97 Civic EX coupe (AT)	2460
96 Civic EX coupe (MT)	2483
97 Civic EX coupe (MT)	2496
98 Civic EX coupe (MT)	2504
98 Civic EX sedan (MT)	2511
96 Civic EX coupe (AT)	2513
99 Civic EX coupe (MT)	2513
99 Civic EX sedan (MT)	2513
00 Civic EX coupe (MT)	2513
00 Civic EX sedan (MT)	2513
96 Civic EX sedan (AT)	2518
97 Civic EX sedan (AT)	2518
98 Civic EX coupe (AT)	2551
98 Civic EX sedan (AT)	2558
99 Civic EX coupe (AT)	2560
00 Civic EX coupe (AT)	2560
99 Civic EX sedan (AT)	2562
00 Civic EX sedan (AT)	2562
96 Civic EX sedan (MT)	2568
97 Civic EX sedan (MT)	2568
99 Civic Si coupe (MT)	2612
00 Civic Si coupe (MT)	2612
96 Civic CX hatch (MT)	2222
97 Civic CX hatch (AT)	2238
98 Civic CX hatch (MT)	2295
96 Civic CX hatch (AT)	2298
97 Civic CX hatch (MT)	2304
98 Civic CX hatch (AT)	2357
99 Civic CX hatch (MT)	2395
00 Civic CX hatch (MT)	2395
99 Civic CX hatch (AT)	2423
00 Civic CX hatch (AT)	2423
96 Civic DX hatch (MT)	2242
97 Civic DX hatch (AT)	2253
96 Civic DX hatch (AT)	2317
97 Civic DX hatch (MT)	2319
98 Civic DX hatch (MT)	2339
99 Civic DX hatch (MT)	2388
00 Civic DX hatch (MT)	2388
98 Civic DX hatch (AT)	2392
00 Civic DX hatch (AT)	2423
99 Civic DX hatch (AT)	2434
96 Civic DX coupe (MT)	2262
97 Civic DX coupe (AT)	2271
97 Civic DX coupe (MT)	2337
96 Civic DX coupe (AT)	2339
98 Civic DX coupe (MT)	2342
99 Civic DX coupe (MT)	2359
00 Civic DX coupe (MT)	2359
98 Civic DX coupe (AT)	2385
99 Civic DX coupe (AT)	2405
00 Civic DX coupe (AT)	2405
96 Civic HX coupe (MT)	2313
97 Civic HX coupe (AT)	2324
97 Civic HX coupe (MT)	2339
98 Civic HX coupe (MT)	2361
99 Civic HX coupe (MT)	2370
00 Civic HX coupe (MT)	2370
98 Civic HX coupe (AT)	2429
99 Civic HX coupe (AT)	2445
00 Civic HX coupe (AT)	2445
97 Civic EX coupe (AT)	2460
96 Civic EX coupe (MT)	2483
97 Civic EX coupe (MT)	2496
98 Civic EX coupe (MT)	2504
96 Civic EX coupe (AT)	2513
99 Civic EX coupe (MT)	2513
00 Civic EX coupe (MT)	2513
98 Civic EX coupe (AT)	2551
99 Civic EX coupe (AT)	2560
00 Civic EX coupe (AT)	2560
99 Civic Si coupe (MT)	2612
00 Civic Si coupe (MT)	2612
96 Civic DX sedan (AT)	2319
97 Civic DX sedan (AT)	2319
98 Civic DX sedan (MT)	2339
99 Civic DX sedan (MT)	2339
00 Civic DX sedan (MT)	2339
96 Civic DX sedan (MT)	2370
97 Civic DX sedan (MT)	2370
98 Civic DX sedan (AT)	2385
99 Civic DX sedan (AT)	2388
00 Civic DX sedan (AT)	2388
96 Civic LX sedan (AT)	2387
97 Civic LX sedan (AT)	2387
99 Civic LX sedan (MT)	2410
00 Civic LX sedan (MT)	2410
98 Civic LX sedan (MT)	2412
96 Civic LX sedan (MT)	2430
97 Civic LX sedan (MT)	2438
99 Civic LX sedan (AT)	2456
00 Civic LX sedan (AT)	2456
98 Civic LX sedan (AT)	2458
98 Civic EX sedan (MT)	2511
99 Civic EX sedan (MT)	2513
00 Civic EX sedan (MT)	2513
96 Civic EX sedan (AT)	2518
97 Civic EX sedan (AT)	2518
98 Civic EX sedan (AT)	2558
99 Civic EX sedan (AT)	2562
00 Civic EX sedan (AT)	2562
96 Civic EX sedan (MT)	2568
97 Civic EX sedan (MT)	2568


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Damn Amy! You always gotta out-do everyone else. Lol, just playin. .Good job w/all that info. :thumbs up
