What do you think of this set up?


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Driving an '00 civic Si and thinking I might get th new B16 and not the K20. Anyways I would go turbo if I go B16 cause I NEED more power! Greddy: turbo and front mount kit, Turbo timer, E-01 boost controller, and a BOV. Besides a clutch and flywheel will I need any other parts? I have autometer, a/f, boost, and volt gauges and alot of people say get an E/G temp gauge too, but do I really need it? What about a new fuel pump and rail??


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spend the extra money for a b18c.. you will be more happy.


zdnfhsz fhz
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You have everything you need..btw an A/F gauge and EGT gauge are basically the same thing, just the egt cost more and you get better a/f reading and can also get a better tune.


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correct me if I'm wrong but I thought that EGT gauge was exhaust gas temp, how does that relate to air to fuel gauge?


THe doctor is in...
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SiRcivic27 said:
correct me if I'm wrong but I thought that EGT gauge was exhaust gas temp, how does that relate to air to fuel gauge?

They are different... but using both gauges will help dail you're ride in better by tweaking you're AFC vtec controller or plugs spark timing and turbo wastegate\ timing. Or if you own the holy grail... engine mamagement system... adds more info to plug into that


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okay, but with an EMS I dont really need the EGT? Might get an apexi VAFC 2 but I'm not using the one in my car now, its out and never going back in!


Exit Speed Garage
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this threads lame...just the vibe im getting...


I smell.....boost....
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go with a t3/t4....there sex spooling in an SI... =)


92'cIvIc vX
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whats wrong w/ur old b16a2???if blown why not spend that money on the engine TO build ur old b16 for boost.pistons, values ur know


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are you gonna use the greddy e manage? if so than you don't NEED a new fuel pump or rail. even if you go with something else you don't need a fuel rail.
