Also take into consideration before getting the injectors. A lot of good answers above but remember if you or your friend would ever want to upgrade turbo later down the road, or even possibly turn UP the boost, it's always good to have higher flowing injectors for that extra head room.
Right now my setup only calls for 740cc injectors, that's good enough to run my turbo at 22psi @ 82-86% duty cycle. Not fully maxing out the injectors just yet, but there's a lot more room to pick up on if I were to ever decide to run, oh let's say... 26psi. These would run my injectors out to nearly 95% idc.
However, my turbo maxes out at 38psi, so if I were to EVER want to go up that high, I'd need slighty larger injectors, which is why I opted for 850cc injectors. With such a more higher flowing rate, I can run more boost on the turbo and have enough fuel to supply it. Blah blah blah. Now I know you wont run these big of injectors this soon but this'll be a good example of what can be considered.