What to do?


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Ok, after much contemplation, I’ve considered my options in relation to my hatch. Now, I’ve kind of classified them into ‘short-term’ and ‘long-term’.

In the short term, I plan on what many people do;
Audio System
New Gauges (Current does NOT have a tach)
And other general interior work

Currently there is nothing performance based listed, mainly for the fact of my insurance, and my current engine. Current engine, although stock, has only 48,000km on it (29832 miles), which was one of the main focus points, hence why I’m reluctant to swap it out at such an early stage. From what I’ve read, it seems pointless to add anything to a stock engine (correct me if I’m wrong) unless of course I choose to go forced induction, and even then, it’s unstable and what not.

So based on that, the process should go engine swap then performance mods. The problem with this is by the time I save enough money and rack up enough km’s on my current engine that I want/have to swap, I could be dead, or better yet, have a new car. (3 years time)

From this, my question is, should I just forget it or what? Everyone chuck in your 2cents.

And yes, I am aware I’m probably thinking to far ahead of myself, but it’ll give me a sense of where to head.



Live Manikins
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i dont mind your plan. but...yeah. if you really plan on doing a swap, dont buy engine performance parts now, good idea. good idea also to go suspension and wheels right off the bat. add a lip kit or something in there to add some style for a cheap price. audio is good...what type of other interior work are you thinking about. but you may want to think, if you plan on selling the car in only three years, and want to use your stock engine to the max, you may not even wanna worry about a swap. and just the i/h/e upgrades on your current engine.


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Thanks for the advice man.

Im not really going for the all out racer, just a car that is fast enough to crap on your average try hard kinda thing, But is still nice to cruze around in (hence the interior work).

Im not to sure bout the 3 year thing, I've got to estimate finances and what not.

However, lets say it was 5 years, 7 years before I was planning a new car? In other words, how long would you say for the swap/forced induction etc..?

Thanks again, and i hope that makes sense.


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good start...it should be a nice project for u!!!
