Where is the ENGINE VIN?


New Member
I have a 5-speed 92 Civic CX with a D15B7, it s**t the bed and I believe it's all electrical issues, so I'm rewiring everything and replacing the ECU. Trouble is, the mechanics at the dealership told me the ECU was not the right one, so I don't know what one to buy. Right now it is a P06 with a wiring harness in horrible condition. Some wires are disconnected, some are held together with electrical tape...

I was told that in order for the dealership to know what ECU I needed to buy, they need the Engine VIN number. (which didnt make sense to me because it's OBD1) I jacked the car up and looked where he told me to (on the bottom where the engine meets the transmission), but I see no numbers anywhere, and no sign that they were ground off. Where are they?

Websites tell me the 92 CX uses a P05 ECU, but now I don't know because the dealership told me a D15B7 isn't the stock motor.

Can anyone help me?


Team Exile/ADO Garage
Registered VIP
Lol. There's nothing there.
The stock engine for a 92 Civic CX is a D15B8 with a P05 ECU
The D15B7 that you say is in the car is for a 92-95 Civic LX/DX and uses a P06.

Check to see if it is in fact a D15B7 first, it should be here on the engine.

If it is in fact a D15B7, then you DO need a P06.


captin sleep0
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obd1 and earlier did not have vins on the motor... it was a measure that honda used after their cars were being stolen more and more. you should try and get a used ecu, it will be so much cheaper for you


New Member

ok thanks guys. I knew the dealer was full of it because I told them it was an obd1 and that a vin shouldn't matter... he kept telling me i needed a vin. And yes it's a D15B7.

p06 it is.
