welcome to the club
i recently got a car just like you and have been working on it fixing stuff removing stuff replacing stuff buying new stuff and if your into cars and love to fix cars up then your in the right web site... well in my opinion you gotta make sure your car is healthy in other words there is no point in fixing up a car that runs like crap... fix the clutch , start with sections in the car i started with the engine
- made sure the battery terminals were clean or if damaged & needed to be replaced
- changed the oil,spark plugs, gas filter
- cleaned out the trottle body
- checked all fuses
- check the distributor & cap
- replaced spark plug wires
- chaged all fluids , brake fluid, cluth fluid, ext.
- engine degressed & and pressured washed the engine bay & left it to dry over night ( battery was disconected threw out the whole process of course)
then close the hood and time to move on to another section....
now sit in your cat and write down a list ... look all around your car and start writting what you like what you dont like what you want to change or paint....
do you need new seats?
- a sick racing stearing wheel?
- glowing gauges
- a cool looking shifter
- new carpet
- a sick stereo system
information on how to fix & do all the things iv mentioned above are all over the internet you tube it or just look at all the things people have done with there cars and see if you like it and go for it .. there is no way to learn how to fix and do thins unless u do it yourself ( but if its something out of your hands leave it to the profesinals but watch carefully ) .. dont worry about what people say remember its your car be happy with it ... when buying stuff look around the internet and try to find it cheeper dont worry about brands or lables simply buid your dream