Who else reads?


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I'm not much of a reader so I don't keep up with books.... But my friend told me about Hunger Games (the movie) and said it's based on a book. I saw the movie over the weekend, liked it, so I got the book. It's definitely different but I definitely like the book more. Been staying up later to read as much as I can.

Anyone else favorite books / authors?

Can anyone recommend similar authors / books to stuff like Hunger Games (I'll definitely get the other parts) and Dan Brown books? I've read his Deception Point and Digital Fortress. I couldn't put either of those down at night. I lost a lot of sleep wanting to finish em :lol:. I wanted to get The Da Vinci Code and Angels & Demons but I've seen those movies literally dozens of times so I don't know if I want to read them at this point lol. I'm into adventure / suspense / some-what mystery stuff.


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I'm reading Act of Valor right now. It's a good book. After I finish that, I'm going to finish Catch 22. I can mail you my copy when I'm done with it if you want.


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I've been an avid reader all my life. I was in the excelled program for Book It growing up and got all those pizza parties. lol

I primarily read fiction and mysteries/drama. I have too many favorite authors/their entire series to list. I'm currently working on 'Lamb' by Christopher Moore---it's hysterical!


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If you like hunger games you might also like battle royale by Koushun Takami it's very similar but more adult rather than young adult.


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I read whenever I come across a title that is interesting to me, and whenever I do I become completely entranced and all I do is read until I'm done with the book. I've read all the Harry potter books and all that and I used to have a favorite book when i was younger by I can't remember the author. The book was called soldiers heart. I'm only 18 now so I haven't gotten into any serious titles. But I do enjoy a good book every now and then.

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I'm reading Act of Valor right now. It's a good book.
That sounds familiar. I think I walked past it in the book store. I'll have to look into it.

I read like the first three and a half Harry Potter's then I got bored lol.


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I read forums and anything work requires me to do. Other than that, reading is overrated.


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That sounds familiar. I think I walked past it in the book store. I'll have to look into it.
It's a movie that's currently in theaters. At first glance it looks like it's mostly based on action, but there's more to it than that. I should be done reading it within the week. If you PROMISE to return it, I can mail you Act of Valor :lol:


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It's a movie that's currently in theaters. At first glance it looks like it's mostly based on action, but there's more to it than that. I should be done reading it within the week. If you PROMISE to return it, I can mail you Act of Valor :lol:

And LOL. I definitely would return it but I actually like buying books and keeping them. If I like them, I end up reading them again. I've gone back and read the Dan Brown books I have. Not from start to finish but certain parts that I really enjoyed.

I read forums and anything work requires me to do. Other than that, reading is overrated.
:rolf: :rolf: :rolf: :rolf: :rolf: :rolf:


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That's coolio. Just let me know if you're interested in either.


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I haven't read much since they made us in middle school. I hate starting a book, but if I like it once I start I won't put it down until I'm finished. Read about 50 pages of a book called 1984 for English a few months ago, was a good book but just never finished it


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i always enjoyed the redwall series. read them all actually. took me a good year and a half or two though lol

actually this makes me want to break them back out and read them again since its been so long. hmmm
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#1 a*****e
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Keith Code Twist of the Wrist 2
Lee Parks, Total Control
Sport Riding Techniques by Nick Ienatsch

few books i read when not to improve my work related skills.


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Started the second book of The Hunger Games last night. I got about a third of the way through it, look at the clock, and it's nearly midnight. I couldn't put it down.


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Watched the movie its actually still in my dvd player i thought they did a good job with it, but if you havent read at least the first book you just dont understand some of the small things.
