Window Tint


New Member
The windows on my civic coupe are getting tinted today! I cant wait to go see what it looks like tonight! Decided to go with the darkest 21%.. any other NY'ers driving around with illegal tint? What have your experiences been with the cops? My boyfriend had 21% on his subaru for 2 years and only got stopped once for the tint, other times he was pulled over they never said anything about the windows..

Here is what she looks like now, I will post pictures later of the new tint..



New Member
id go one level below legal. thats what i did. that way its hard for cops to tell


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I live in NY and have 20% tints all around and haven't been given a problem yet. I think they don't look as dark because I have a grey interior though.


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5+ Year Member
i have 10% fronts and 5% rear gotten pulled over about 3 times, but they have just told me to drive w/ the drivers window cracked open a little bit, which i do any way cuz i have no a/c, but i dont know if it is different
according to state

Wax Hands

Smell my finger
Registered VIP
Tint laws vary by state, majority of those that do have a law or any kind of enforcement the legal limit tends to be 32-35%.


New Member
@FrancoCivic LX, i have grey interior also and they told me that would make the tint look a bit lighter

Tint law does vary by state and i think the legal limit in NY is 75% light has to come through the front 2 windows, so basically anything other than what came stock with your car is illegal.

I'm pretty pissed off now because the install place called me and said someone called in sick and they would have to reschedule me for next week! Thats completely unacceptable, I made this appointment 2 weeks ago! They better have that tint done when i go at 5 to pick up my car! Buncha assholes.


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i also have a gray interior, the front 2 windows can sorta kinda be seen into when up close, but the rears are pitch black even when right up to glass, but on cloudy days all of them are pitch black, which is when i have gotten pulled over, sorry to hear about the inconvenience it happens sometimes


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what types of prices are you guys paying for tinting? in manitoba limits are 50% front and 35% rear but i'm thinking of doing 35% all around.


New Member
Well for 21% on my coupe, so 5 windows.. It was $172.00 after tax and everything... Looked at the receipt and only $60 of that was for parts, the rest is labor!!! Rip off if you ask me, but might as well have a professional do the work because i can only imagine how badly i would mess if up if i tried to do it myself.


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thats not too bad at all. i'll prob get that done after i get some cash and other parts put on


I had a Civic once.
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^ looks good!

I have had 15% all the way around for almost 3 years now I think... I have a court date august 15th for my FIRST tint violation... I'm in MA, but I go to school in western NY (Rochester), and was coming home from there when I was stopped by a NYS trooper.. 10 minutes from the MA/NY line. Gay.


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5+ Year Member
please dont come on here in two weeks with a post that say " I got a tint ticket and its bullshit how do I fight it?"

Thats what everyone else does.


New Member
Hahaaa whatever im really not worried about getting pulled over but thanks for your concern, if i get a ticket you'll be the first person i ask how to take care of it...

Thanks to though who think it looks good! !


New Member
Hahaaa whatever im really not worried about getting pulled over but thanks for your concern, if i get a ticket you'll be the first person i ask how to take care of it...

Thanks to though who think it looks good! !


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5+ Year Member
Tint looks great. Doesnt look like your car is an EX. But i tinted my sun roof with a mirror film. It reflects more at an angle, but nobody notices it unless they are looking down at the car from above, maybe from those NY skyscrapers. Small detail on my sun roof, but I like it, too bad im the only one that knows :(


New Member
lol thanks, but its not an EX, its an LX.. that sounds hot what you did with the sunroof.
