World of Warcraft Character Thread (no discussion please)


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i know there is already a dedicated wow thread, but there is ALOT of discussion in there... so I decide to make a thread for one purpose, List your char names and server. Please hold your comments. It'd be fun to have alot of cc guys all playin on the same server.

i'll start

Drissn -> 80 Pally -> Horde -> Archimonde -> Member of House Forsaken
Lazyelf-> 70 Warrior -> Alliance -> Alterac Mountains -> Unguilded
omfgimadk-> 71 DeathKnight -> Horde -> Archimonde -> House Forsaken
Gnophun-> 31 Hunter -> Horde -> Burning Legion -> Unguilded
Drissn-> 31 Mage -> Horde -> Firetree -> Sheep Assasins

I may have a few odds and ends characters lying around on random servers but this is what i can remember off the top of my head... My pally is the only one i really play (or have ever played for that matte)... so if you ever get bored make a horde or transfer to my server and lets play some wow! or if you have anyone on any of those servers i listed let me know also... i might pick one of them back up.


Failboat sails at 9
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15+ Year Member
Evïl--80 Priest(Shadow/Shadow)--Horde--Antonidas--VIP
Spliinter--80 Warlock(Destruction/Affliction)--Horde--Antonidas--VIP
Marook--80 Warrior(Protection/Fury)--Horde--Antonidas--unguilded


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Ryslin --> 80 mage --> Alliance --> The Underbog --> Guild Debatable

Account is currently inactive until Cataclysm is released


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5+ Year Member


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15+ Year Member
All on Eitrigg which is a PvE server and I'm alliance. (MS/OS respectively):
- 80 Druid (Resto/Boomkin)
- 80 Warlock (Affliction)
- 80 Pally (My main, Tank/Holy)
- 80 Death Knight (Unholy DPS)
- 75 Shaman (Resto/Ele)
