Yo guys I'm new here

B N Shady

New Member
I recently bought a 1994 honda civic dx sedan and I'm working out some cosmetics issues but after that I wanted to get started on modding it. Any ideas for a first couple mods? Any help is appreciated :D


Fujiwara's Tofu Shop
Registered VIP
5+ Year Member
Well do yu wanna be show first? Or go?

B N Shady

New Member
I deffinately don't want to have the cops pulling me over every time I drive so most likely power first then lowering it on coilovers later.


Fujiwara's Tofu Shop
Registered VIP
5+ Year Member
Ha, yu will always get attention for having a civic. I don't get pulled over to often, I just don't drive dumb and I don't use my hids and fogs 24/7

But if yu wanna be fast yu have a few options. 2 main things are what series and n/a or boost/nos ect ect


Fujiwara's Tofu Shop
Registered VIP
5+ Year Member
Well bad news is rust an the dents and what not. Good news is from those pics the body seems to line up pretty well.
Cold air intakes or cai soun nice, I just went with a short ram my self, I like the sound of both. But it won't help yu gain much power on a d. Good news is intake and exhaust should transfer across most engine swaps just fine.

B N Shady

New Member
I definitely see potential in her. She just needs some love. I really think I got a good deal so I have about 1500 left over to start on with mods


Fujiwara's Tofu Shop
Registered VIP
5+ Year Member
Right on, Gondar run forever lol, my buds hatch still has the original motor 290xxx miles lol.

B N Shady

New Member
God damn. That's one beast of a hatch. I think civics are one of the best cars out there, reliable and can be built for power.


Fujiwara's Tofu Shop
Registered VIP
5+ Year Member
Yah he needs a valve adjustment and an axle but he's still getting 35+ mpg
But it's a cx so he's only got some balls in first gear lol. That engine had 60whp from the factory.

But I agree hondas have so much potential
