you gotta hear this....


Registered VIP
5+ Year Member
so i get up today to go up to autozone to get an altenator. my car wont start so i gotta jump it, well the jumperbox fell when my car started and scratched my front bumper. so i wuz kinda shitty bout that. i pull out 'n start heading to autozone i hit the main road 'n punch rollin about a buck10 when i see this white bumper outta the corner of my eye. f**kn popo right there in the next lane rollin wit me door 2 door. i do a couple double takes like wtf. (lol) i slow down he gets behind me, hits his lights. im on the side of the road jus shitty cuz i usually dont do dumb s**t like that. cop comes strollin up to my window....."you know what the funny thing about all that was. my cars completly stock and i caught you.":shock: "so what are you up to this morning" i replied "heading to autozone" cop says"ooh what for" i say with a blank expression"altenator" he goes "well you know how much these tickets cost. about 150 and i could give you reckless driving, thats a automatic court date. your insurance is deff gonna go up. do you have any points on your license for anything." NOPE so he takes my license 'n registration to his car......comes back to my window says "well its your lucky day, im not gonna write you a ticket cuz 1. that was kinda fun and 2 the look on your face when i caught you was priceless...":(
he gave me a lil lecture, told me he remembers names faces and he'll remember the car. told me not to act dumb and wear a seat belt. what a f**kn morning.....i got me sum taco bell gonna chill inside for the rest of the day play me sum xbox! thought id share my lil experience.....


5+ Year Member
sound's like you're one hell of a lucky guy.

I didn't know they could let people go for doing that fast of a speed.


Too Much Traction
Registered VIP
5+ Year Member
I've actually seen two highway patrol vehicles roll by a little street race track we had, none of us ran away, we just chilled there. They came out and told us to be safe and left. Depends on the cop I guess.


D-Series Soldier
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Funny story, but your a lucky guy for not getting that ticket...

98 EK Hatch

Big Daddy Dumplin
Registered VIP
5+ Year Member
good story... and taco bell FTW!!!!

haha i work there, please dont get any of the new beefy 5-layer burritos that are 89 cents, those things are a pain in the ass especially when people come through and get like 5 or 6 of em


I had a Civic once.
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sound's like you're one hell of a lucky guy.

I've been pulled over on radar (with my radar detector), and a cop (after giving me a verbal warning).. pointed to my radar and went "So how'd your radar detector work out for you?"

.. In which we bough laughed and I drove away happily ever after.



Registered VIP
5+ Year Member
lmfao i guess there are some kewl cops out there.....but yeah i was deff lucky he gave me a break idk why and i dnt care jus happy he did


Slow and Loving It
Registered VIP
5+ Year Member
Ive gotten let off for pretty big tickets too, makes it even more dissapointing when you get pulled over again and he doesnt let you go lmao


New Member
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5+ Year Member
lol nice way to start the day.
Kinda the same thing happened to a friend of mine in his evo but 3 cops closed down a section of the interstate to let him race a vette and a wrx lol he won of course


5+ Year Member
lol nice way to start the day.
Kinda the same thing happened to a friend of mine in his evo but 3 cops closed down a section of the interstate to let him race a vette and a wrx lol he won of course
no s**t! dude thats awesome! lol Apparently there are good cops and bad cops. More strict than good around my town but popo nonetheless.
