What does it mean when an engine is running rich?


Also, is running rich necessarily a good or bad thing? If it's good, what can I do to my engine to get it to "run rich"?



Formally Green 91
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Is Black Again??? :shock:
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it means too much fuel is getting passed through and not all of it is igniting

Genuine Rolla

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too much fuel isnt good, especcially when all of it isnt being burnt.


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on the other hand... its better to run rich than lean (especially at altitude)


Zinc Member
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dnunit said:
Also, is running rich necessarily a good or bad thing? If it's good, what can I do to my engine to get it to "run rich"?

Runing rich is acutally bad. Now, ofcourse if you are boosted, you want to run more fuel, but that is to compinsate for the boost.

You want to run perfect, not lean, not rich. Running either will cause some performance loss, and running rich can cause pre-ingition problems as well as really shitty gas milage. Id rather run lean then rich, cause your engine will last longer lean then rich. It will also cause your sensor to go bad faster (02 and what not).

Id get your 02 sensors checked out.


Stickin it to the Man
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running too rich is bad, running a little rich is perfectly safe. every car in production comes from the factory a little richer than it needs to be. they all also have a catalytic converter that burns the fuel that your engine didnt ignite.

running lean is ABSOLUTELY NOT safer than running rich. its the reason why a basemap gets tuned to lean out the air fuel mixture, and why a basemap doesnt start lean and then you richen it as you tune.

running lean causes detonation... running rich does not
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New Member
i have this same problem.... im a newbie to this can yall tell me what i should do to run perfect like what parts to switch or adjust or wat not..... would really like the advice


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running too rich is bad, running a little rich is perfectly safe. every car in production comes from the factory a little richer than it needs to be. they all also have a catalytic converter that burns the fuel that your engine didnt ignite.

running lean is ABSOLUTELY NOT safer than running rich. its the reason why a basemap gets tuned to lean out the air fuel mixture, and why a basemap doesnt start lean and then you richen it as you tune.

running lean causes detonation... running rich does not
^^This. Never ever is running lean a good thing. I would rather have an o2 go bad than have pinging and detonation.


I had a Civic once.
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This thread is from 2006, but as long as it stays on topic, works for me :thumbs up

i have this same problem.... im a newbie to this can yall tell me what i should do to run perfect like what parts to switch or adjust or wat not..... would really like the advice
So by problem you mean that you're running rich? How do you know? Running rich isn't entirely bad, it's much better than running lean and risking detonation.. especially in boosted vehicles. Rich will just foul out your spark plugs quicker than normal wear.

Issue possible be an issue with an o2 sensor though. Do you have a Check Engine Light (CEL) lit up?
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