Well, I got a few things done to the car today and thought I'd share since it's been a while since I've posted.
I'm just trying to get all the little doodads and stuff that's broken fixed before I get my license and go to school.
I'm going to apologize ahead of time for the shitty ass pics.
UPDATE. Got a set of Del Sol seats for a very nice price.
New front bumper (grille is being painted).
If all goes well, the bumper will be painted next week.
Shot with DC 1070 at 2007-07-10
Re-installed my interior panels ( I know, I need to take out the sound deadening, but it's hot and I'm lazy).
Shot with DC 1070 at 2007-07-10
OEM cd player (had cassette player).
Shot with DC 1070 at 2007-07-10
Shift extender and shift knob.
Shot with DC 1070 at 2007-07-10
And here's how she sits as of now.
Shot with DC 1070 at 2007-07-10
Comments and critcism appreciated.
Next on the list: A well deserved set of wheels
I'm just trying to get all the little doodads and stuff that's broken fixed before I get my license and go to school.
I'm going to apologize ahead of time for the shitty ass pics.
UPDATE. Got a set of Del Sol seats for a very nice price.
New front bumper (grille is being painted).
If all goes well, the bumper will be painted next week.
Shot with DC 1070 at 2007-07-10
Re-installed my interior panels ( I know, I need to take out the sound deadening, but it's hot and I'm lazy).
Shot with DC 1070 at 2007-07-10
OEM cd player (had cassette player).
Shot with DC 1070 at 2007-07-10
Shift extender and shift knob.
Shot with DC 1070 at 2007-07-10
And here's how she sits as of now.
Shot with DC 1070 at 2007-07-10
Comments and critcism appreciated.
Next on the list: A well deserved set of wheels