New Wheels???


Aqua Teen Christmas Force
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I think a darker gold would work better, they look kind of washed out.

And take the washers off your hood, it looks like s**t.

Genuine Rolla

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I think he has to because of the H deuce deuce


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because rota's are lame, knockoff wheels. theyre cast, and their quality is shitty, so that people can buy rims that LOOK like high end, expensive rims, for a fraction of the price...and quality. their just like sport max...except at least sport max makes some of their own styles, instead of just copying everyone else..
i like my rota's..
watanabe knock-offs :lamanana:


Guamster : ]
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so what if rotas are cheap. its not like it breaks out of no where or anything.

ppl get rotas if they cant afford $1k+ rims.. like me and this guy which he stated "$8 an hour" lol i only make $6.30/hr. so yea we gotta manage a bit to make our cars look good. haha

i think ill paint my rims pink. hahah


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I think a darker gold would work better, they look kind of washed out.

And take the washers off your hood, it looks like s**t.
not washers, its not that ghetto. I actually did it in a cleaner, more SAFE manner.

h22 + no radiator fan + rush hour traffic = overheating like crazy.

So for those that are going to b***h "the hood til doesnt make things cooler, blah blah blah"

i dont have problems overheating AS LONG AS IM MOVING.

When im sitting, stopped in traffic, moving 20 feet at a time, the thing starts to overheat... and when you're sitting still, no wind in the bay, where does heat go? Cmon, 3rd grade science... ZOMG! heat rises. :lol: :P

So with the seal out (on the cowl), and the hood propped, the heat escapes easier. And YES it has made a difference, a rather large difference at that, before id sit in traffic on a 95+ degree day, for 10-15 min and the thing would start overheating pretty quick. Now it'll make it 20-25 min in the same temp conditions.

"gay look for an extra 5-10 mintes?" Sometimes, thats all you need is that 5-10 minutes to get moving again, the more time i have the work with, the better. :lol:

I personally have no hate for rota, rota has brought a whole new aspect of things to the tuning world IMO. Some will hate it, some will like it. Personally, i love it, and i think it looks great. Ya, they're rota's, so what? s**t can happen, and with all the potholes/dips/uneven lane s**t going around colorado right now. Id personally rather bend/trash my $400 set of rota's, then my $1500 set of mugens, ssr's... just my opinion. Wheels such as mugen, ssr, gab, spoon... etc. are NOT daily driver rims by any means.

Ive seen circuit 8's on an ep3 that was pretty damn close to my color, and i did not like the look at all. I was thinkinga bout maybe the bronze GT3's, same color as the circuit 8's, but i honestly feel the lip on the gt3's is part of what sets off the look.


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i would keep your spun's and paint them a differenct color. White would go nice with your orange or maybe some sort of bronze.


iTrader EVERYthing
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Personally, I really like the new rims. Maybe its because I hated the old ones so much... lol


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If you get them in black, it'll match and look better on your car.

My friend has a DR set same in gold, it looks best on white or black cars...


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If you get them in black, it'll match and look better on your car.

My friend has a DR set same in gold, it looks best on white or black cars...

gold on white/black/red cars is SOOOOOOOO overplayed its not even funny, serious...

How many cars do you see with gold on orange? Yes, they're are a few, but id say probably 2.5billion less then gold on white/black/red lol

thanks for the comments guys... im definatly thinking im going to do it, if i can get my spuns sold.


5+ Year Member
yup, its true that its over played, but it does look good right? But gold on orange is not bad at all.. its your style, your car, gota respect that.


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yup, its true that its over played, but it does look good right? But gold on orange is not bad at all.. its your style, your car, gota respect that.
It looks ok (gold on black/red/white), but its SO overplayed that it doesnt even catch my attention anymore, i see it and im kinda like 'meh'...

i saw the gold on orange and was like 'ohhhh' caught my attention, and brought a brighter less gloomey look to the car lol.

Seperated the drivers CV today, for those who live in colorado, f**k IMPORT SPORTS!


3 pedals ftw
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i honestly like them compaired to the other ones..maybe other ppl dont like em because its not "over played" like alot of the other color contrasts. i think those wheels look sick on your car. but if you decide not to go with them, seeing how the polished or chrome lip looks good with the rest of the car, id say you couldnt go wrong with a polished wheel. thatd look sick too... just my 2 cents.


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i honestly like them compaired to the other ones..maybe other ppl dont like em because its not "over played" like alot of the other color contrasts. i think those wheels look sick on your car. but if you decide not to go with them, seeing how the polished or chrome lip looks good with the rest of the car, id say you couldnt go wrong with a polished wheel. thatd look sick too... just my 2 cents.

i like it kuz its simple, yet different.
