wow!You should read your own sig, just cause everybody else is doing LS/Vtecs doesn't mean its the best thing to do. LS engines have made impressive numbers without the aid of vtec. Doesn't mean I agree with 253eg.
have you ever thought it might be the other way around? maybe its not the best thing to do because everyone it doing it, but rather everyone is doing it because its the best thing to do!
boosted ls engines can make good numbers, boosted vtec engines make better numbers.
the "ideal" b series engine would be an ls crank in a gsr block because it has the girdle, but ls vtec is an excellent platform to work with on a boosted setup.
fear the vtec tuning. so because you dont know how to tune vtec, he shouldnt use it?Ls turbos are great motors, I dont want Vtec on my turbo setup. Just one more thing that would need tuned.