Type of Oil Using


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I Am getting me a b16 in a crx on monday. A friend of mine say I need tune it up. SO I know everything but Want to know what Kind of oil should I use for the b16a motor?? Hit me wit something that U know. Thanks.:lol:


Certified JDM driver
5+ Year Member
you should go to the honda dealer and get the oil specially made for hondas/acuras , or you could go with 10w40


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you should go to the honda dealer and get the oil specially made for hondas/acuras , or you could go with 10w40
There's nothing special about oil from the dealer. I use Valvoline full synthetic, that would be my recommendation.


love unicorns
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I have used castrol in all of my vehicles and never had any lubricating issues.


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some times


EG Whore
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I have 5 bottles of royal purple 10W30... FOR SALE!!!!!!! Woot make me an offer...

I use castrol... And regular maint. on my B20 and in my poor mans... Never any problems... Then again I change the oil roughly every 1500 miles.


SubGenius Member
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you should go to the honda dealer and get the oil specially made for hondas/acuras , or you could go with 10w40

It's "specially made" by Exxon/Mobil.

5W30 is recommended.

I don't think there is any real difference beyond packaging between oil labled "Genuine Honda" and Mobil Clean 5000. It is financially stupid to make Mobil Clean 5000 meet or exceed all Honda standards and then make a completely separate product to do the same thing. The bean counters would never allow that.

For conventional oils, I like Valvoline. It's kind of silly but Valvoline is clearer than any other oil when you pour it out of the bottle. By comparison, Castrol GTX is really dark. They probably work the exact same.

I obviously also like Mobil Clean 5000 too. It's a good product.

If I can't get Valvoline, Mobil, or Castrol, (in that order) I'll use Exxon, Pennzker State (QS and Pennzoil same company) or Phillips 66.

In synthetic, I use Pennzoil Platinum. That's only because it's cheaper than Mobil 1 by about .50 cents a quart. Been good to my turbo so far.


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This question is dumb... sorry.

Its all preference, when it boils down to it, 75% of your common oil companys have all their oils produced/refined at the same plant as their leading competitor... to put it simple, its the same s**t.

I personally use Mobile 1 full synthetic, 10w30 in my h22, i ran 5w30 and ended up with rod knock so i stepped it up a little thicker and its helped.

Just my personal preference/opinion for my car.

My previous honda, and my 92 toyota pickup, i run just Castrol 10w30 in them... no problems.
