Best K20Z3 turbo?


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A few of my friends have been debating which turbo is the best for the K20Z3.
One says the All Japanese Performance turbo.
Another says the Greddy turbo.
Another says naturally aspirated!

What turbo would you put on a K20Z3?


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5+ Year Member
you should get a t3/t4 for you s**t and make it you self come out winning


New Member
5+ Year Member
you should get a t3/t4 for you s**t and make it you self come out winning
Can you give me a link of this T3 or T4... I don't know what your talking about... -_-
I'm an alcoholic... sorry...


Aqua Teen Christmas Force
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none, you'll void the warranty.

I'd S/C anyway, torque and LSD ftw.
