never, errrr wrong, you will still hear hit, however you have to put it under a higher load, meaning rev it high if your jsut setting, since it's not under load it's just not going to be as loud if your just setting there and revving it.i dont think you can hear it only when your actually driving and the car is under load.....when theres no load on the engine and your just revving it the bov will never go off.....
this is true haha because right now im on 6lbs and its is starting to get slow (to me) so im about to up my boost to 10lbs and see what kind of difference there is. but yea my bov goes off if i rev it to about 6k. just make sure you have a good vaccum's wise to run one regardless of how many psi your running, that is if you want to keep your turbo in one piece, and how many people do you know that are happy at just 5psi, cause i can tell you now, after awhile 5psi will start to feel slow, then you'd want to kick it up a few notch's and you'll really be needing a bov then.
haha..revving just to hear the BOV? man, your rods are just begging to see the outside world...