Exactly. That's all I'm doing. Is just like a video blog every time I drive. I admit I have a d16y8 and it's slow and it's a piece of s**t and I would swap if I had the money. I'm not trying to show off my car. Every time I floor it, I'm not proudly stomping my foot saying, "I'm proud to be a ricer. My cars fast".wtf is the point of talking s**t to someone doing, whats basically, a video journal of some sort. Grow up man.
Amej8, props to you. Lol i get aggrivated easily while driving, but i live in a much larger city with tons of morons that shouldnt be on the road (dont check their blind spot, no turn signals, tailgating @ 80mph, etc. etc.). I dont yell at the top of my lungs, but i tend to talk to myself lol.
2-2.5k to take off? that is rather high.
I get my civic movin from 1200-1600 even with the racing clutch, i get my truck movin from about those same rpm's as well. You should set goals with things you want to change about your driving habbits, and try to accomplish them while you drive.
I never considered 2-2.5 for take off high though. My car idles around 500 (a bit low) so I have to give it a bit of gas before taking off anyways. But generally 2.5 is the highest I'll go. Unless I'm trying to start off quick, then I'll rev it a bit.