30+ MPG on boosted b18??


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so when i filled up the fuel tank yesterday since resetting the odometer at last fillup, i calculated 31 mpg average :shock:
it was 167 miles since the last time i topped off and the tank took 5.351 gallons to top back off = 31 miles/gallon right?? is this logical for a 300hp motor? i really thought i would be getting between 20 and 25mpg with this setup. noted that my driving style for those miles was 80% highway below 70mph, 17% city/traffic, 3% WOT @ 7000+ rpm. the interior is gutted, i estimate about 180-200lbs removed

what kind of mileage are you other boosted guys seeing on your setups??


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about 18-20 for me....

i like to hear my bov :what:


Stickin it to the Man
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yes its normal for your gas mileage to go up when you turbo your honda motor. various reasons why, but the biggest is reason is because your probably trying to stay out of the higher rpms now that your boosted.


Stickin it to the Man
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remember... your not making 300whp at 3k rpm, your probably around 100-110 at that engine speed


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remember... your not making 300whp at 3k rpm, your probably around 100-110 at that engine speed
(281 @ teh wheels) i shift around 4k daily driving, but being boosted definitely hasnt kept me out of the higher rpms. my driving style is probably the same as when i had the b16 and the b20, but now im getting better gas mileage. im def not complaining tho, just curious


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only when you start to build boost does the engine require a lot more fuel. also, with the turbo being in there, the engine doesnt have to work as hard to get the car going. so with those two things combined, yes youre going to get better gas mileage.

when i first got my car, stock d15, it got about 26mpg. i went with a hybrid tranny and got up to 28-30mpg, then i went turbo and have ranged anywhere from 30-35mpg.


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with mostly highway driving I got 30+ mpg on my setup. With "spirited" driving around town I get like 25mpg.


That's my honda.
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I get at least 60+ more miles to a tank since i've gone turbo. My tuner has it just right so it helps with the gas mileage.

TiiM iiS l3eAsT

Scamming Piece Of s**t
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wow thats tight that you actually get better gas milage now.....turbo > stock


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when i had my turbo D I loved the sound of my BOV so I by no means babied it but I managed getting an average of 35 mpg i loved it my car was quick and great gas millage!


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my buddy gets 28 mpg on the interstate with a CTR tranny on a 57 trim, built b18
thats basically what ive got. the S4C tranny has same gear ratios and final drive as the S80 just no LSD :( and a 57 trim snail on a 9.2:1 CR b18

Jay Jay

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I get around 32 mpg. I used to get upper 30's with the stock D, mid 30's with the stock B and low 30's on the boosted B.


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im getting 300 to the tank and im not turbo'ed =( and my brother is getting about the same thing with 400 hp on his 2.0 liter gsr turbo...maybe its my si tranny but idk..


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i got 38mpg all highway, around town i get around 30 on a b18b boosted

just depends on my driving habits that day
